We continue to bring you – PLUMMET! This week, the time has finally come to hunt down Ebony Darkness & bring him to justice once & for all
Tag: Rowan
Plummet 42. Luck & “the Legless-ey”
We continue to bring you – PLUMMET! This week, the party return to Nerekhall and attempt to track down the guard Commander, who had set up his new headquarters within the jailhouse… Join us now as we bring forth this Behemoth…A Fast Paced Comedy Deathmatch with its strong dnd overtones. Prepare to Plummet
Plummet 40. Of Help & Hinderance
We Continue to Bring you – PLUMMET! This week as the party attempt to return to their inn, the portcullis is closed for fear of demon attacks… It seems they need the guard Commander’s permission to get home… Of Help & Hinderance