A stranded band of misfits, with roles set in stone…
But something more sinister lurks here, hiding behind the throne…
This week, the party encounter an island inhabited by a group who have created their own rules and regulations.
How has Belry’s recent loss affected him?
What will the unnamed rogue find as she sneaks around the island
Will Belry find a way to acquire a cane?
Can Captain Ash resist correcting the misspelt sign?
Should they stay or should they go?
And how awesome does that lighthouse look?
Also this week, Ashriel learns a new skill, The Unnamed Rogue takes charge & Rivane makes a new friend.
Another week of high adventure with Belry back, aboard the boat; Though he reminds us of his tale; a tale of which he gloats!
But what will become of them, your beloved deck swabbers…
When a marooned group adopts them, it’s Episode 49 : Strength In Numbers!
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