A list of parts to get for her, go salvage from the wrecks A lonely traveller met them there, who nobody expects The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
Tag: Tom
2115 Ep.17. Halp! (Now That’s Brain Thinking 2)
He’s a sentient Roomba, that’s hardly bizarreThough he’d ignore an obvious threat, for a shiny keytar The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
2115 Ep.16. Now That’s Brain Thinking!
An unknown caller, a specialist task Causing “an accident” might be too much to ask The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
2115 Ep. 14. The Junk Dweller’s Dream
Their “intel” talks of some stealing from a local junkyard, A few crab hybrid cultists? That surely cant be too hard… The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
2115 Ep.13. Traitors & Transposition
A captured crab cultist, he has information for sure, But where do we keep him? We need somewhere more secure The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
2115 Ep.12. Just Rewards
A rich benefactor, with thanks to give, Grateful that his antagonist, no longer lives The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
2115 Ep.11. A Cautionary Cymbal Cacophony
A strange loner elf, who makes others business their own, Teach them some ettiquette & to leave such things alone The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
2115 Ep.9. That Sweet Sweet Sewer Science
An intercepted call, theres a deal going down! Time to save the henchmen of this cackling clown! The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
2115 Ep.8. Fear & Other Fluffy Things
The landing is the least of their worries, with whats to unfold A creature of fear itself, lurks deep in their cargo hold The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115”
2115 Ep.7. Subtlety Meets Technology
The satellite signal crackles into view, our coverage can resume… We continue our new futuristic/D&D meets Cyberpunk dystopia series “2115” This week, the party attempt to infiltrate an elven warehouse and retrieve some “company data”