An overly enthusastic greeting is a concerning thing to be met with, but takes a completely unexpected turn!
Tag: Tom
Dark Tide 16. Struggles & Simpletons
What do you do when an NPC attacks you?How do you cope when an NPC is unable to interact with your investigation?
Dark Tide 13. Seadogs & Silences
Following the successful arrest, our intrepid recruits must head out to the ship that so scares an elf in custody…
Dark Tide 12. Arson & Advocacy
Not particularly shaken by the loss of Jose, the rest of the party go to interrogate the suspected arsonist…
Dark Tide 11. A Quarrel At The Lighthouse
After escaping from the fabrikin, mostly, our party land themselves near a lighthouse. Surely there’s only so many opportunities for chaos at a lighthouse, right?
Dark Tide 9. Lights & Soul Gems
A stretch of forest seems to be getting *very* familiar as the party travel towards to the coast. A blinking blue light draws them off the road, towards a rather strange man…
Ramblecast 19. Tea, Technology & “TBH”
This week we bring you another extended collection of tangents, questions and bizarre situations from the cutting room floor of Penance RPG episodes from some point in the past year or few.
Dark Tide 8. The Haunting Horror of Houses
While travelling to the port, a torrential rainstorm forces our recruits to take refuge in an abandoned. house. What they find within is rather surprising…
Dark Tide 7. Of Lords & Luxury
A new village, a new pub. But the local Lord has gone missing and strange orders are being given…
Dark Tide 6. Nags & Ne’er Do Wells
Our recruits are travelling to the port, when the world’s worst ‘bandits’ attempt an ambush. However, will they get revenge for there sweet horse?