This week – to tide you over until our next new series launches in a few weeks time – we bring you another collection of tangents, rapid fire questions and bizarre situations from the cutting room floor of Penance RPG.
This Episode features discussions about: mascots, spelling, knock-knock jokes, flying, tech issues, favourite quotes, lootboxes, accents, vegan pancakes, haikus and giraffe’s necks. Its all here, in Ramblecast 7!

With thanks to our sponsor Boo Makes Things for helping make this episode possible. They create a wide variety of crocheted cuteness – including crotched animals, crochémon, pride charms and dice bags! Check them out at and use code ‘PENANCE’ to get 10% off your new handmade treasures.
PS. Dragon is incredibly tempted by some of the dragons available, but the original character, Oakley, is super adorable too! Just look at this Cthulhu and the octopii!! And the bees <3
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All Music Written & Performed by Daniel Boström
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