Welcome once again to the month of Halloween and our Annual #OpenTheDungeon series.
This year we kept the “choose your location” style from last year and created a new tale of the weird & wonderful from our love of Horror & Storytelling, opening it up once again to any and all brave enough to take up this quest…
This year’s tale tells of the search for something truly unique, lost somewhere within the small village of Luchgobar…
As for what it is and who finds it, well… that’s for you to discover in time.
Tonight We bring you Episode 05: Guests & Guildies

Who is the cast?
This episode’s cast comprises of two voices you may have heard before (Mads & Tauno) and three new ones joining them (Ollie, Anam & Runie)
Mads has guested once before on ep. 5 of our Animecast & has helped Pupzki with his episode ideas for Curse & Abyss.
She is also a writer and can be found on twitter
Tauno previously appeared as Rasthikos in our Abyss series, is Danish & still has no social media.
Ollie is a friend of Tauno, is also from Denmark and also has no active social media.
Anam is also a writer who writes Fanfic
Twitter | Kofi
Runie is a writer, mostly dealing fanfic, She can be found:
Twitter | Kofi
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All Music Written & Performed by Daniel Boström
Learn more at Penancerpg.com
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