In The Underdark…

Eps. 0 & 1 Meeting the cast and then the characters

Ep. 2 Gracklstugh & meeting Lord Themberchaud

Ep. 3 Netherlight Grotto, something seems strange…

Eps. 4 & 5 Blingdonstone, meeting Erik & his tips about the Pudding King

Ep. 6 New & old friends

Ep. 7 A new tactic, escorting a scholar to Mantol Derith

Ep. 8 A creepy wedding

Ep. 9 All change in Gracklstugh Themberville

Ep. 10 Saving Araumycos

Ep. 11 An early terror exposed

Ep. 12 Plundering the slaver camp!

Ep. 13 Planning and a “Prophecy!”

Eps. 14 & 15 Into, and under, the labyrinth

Ep. 16 Off to bargain for a wyrm…

Eps. 17 & 18 Returns, retrenching and planning some more!

Ep. 19 A dramatic finale!

Ep. 20 Epilogues of survivors

Eps. 21, 22 & 23 Cast reflections & chat on eps 1-6, 7-13 & 14-20

Ep. 24 Outtakes, tangents & an original Drow lullaby!

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