…The 14th Hour, The Start of Act 3… This Week the Party Are Subjected to Heavy Questioning About Their Time in Barovia.. What Effect Will it Have on them?
Tag: Belry
Episode 74 – Black Blood & Many Legs
A Source of Magic, Deep under the Earth A Treacherous Elf seeks his Noble Rebirth This Week the Party Investigate a Strange Magical Power Source…
Curse 13 – Highs & Lows
…The 13th Hour… Unlucky for Some & The End of Act 2… This Week the Party are Journeying Back Through the Swamps of Berez…
Episode 73 – For Fox’s Sake
The Bard Returns, Revenge is Sought, Against the Demonic Fox, Vengeance is Brought This week the Party Begin their Travels Aboard the Weatherwax, Northbound at High Speed!
Curse 12 – The Pyramid
A Twelfth Strike, Now the Remaining Hours get Shorter… This Week The Party Investigate the Black Pyramid They Discovered at the end of Last Week’s Episode…
Curse 11 – The Great Goat Gauntlet
The 11th Strike, Will it Create answers… …Or Just More Puzzle Pieces.. This week The Party Use a Magical Elixir on Jason and Follow him Deep into the Swamp…
Episode 71 – Lunacy at Lunchtime
Something in the Water? A Strange Nostalgic Mood Time for Jr. Boat Inspector Belry and his Offers of Food This Week the Party Finally Arrive at the Barricade Around the Zeppelin Tower
Curse 10 – Krezian Letiquette
The 10th Strike Now, A Midpoint Perhaps? This Week The Party Follow Rictavio Back to Krezk, Meet a Strange Old Man and take on a Difficult Mission…
Curse 9 – …Defilement
The Ninth Strike Comes, Time to Investigate A Sinister Old House… This week the Party are Asked to Investigate a Long Abandoned Manor house That Seems to have been a Source for Kidnappings…
Curse 8 – Brothers & Brawls
An Eighth Strike Comes, A Fight Begins.. This Week the Party are tasked to investigate a Bandit Camp that has become More Aggressive Lately…