Welcome to one of our favourite short series, this Hiatus Hit is def 1 to revisit!
After 2115 fades from the screen, for now, an image of 1920’s Virginia appears. As figures leave a funeral, you hear the music drawing you in…
Born from a tragedy, this group have met with paranoia ever present. Can they unravel the true hidden threat…
We present to you Belry’s first adaptation,
Call of Penance RPG
The Cast:
GM – Belry
Adrian Zilbare (a Doctor) – Nikoli
Tilly White (a journalist) – Dragon
Snide McBride (a thief) – Daniel
Penelope Pendleton (a journalist) – Ash
Victor (a French mechanic) – Jon
Walter Gabe (a PI) – Graham
We must stress at this point Belry’s attempts to do any kind of accent is sometimes truly terrible. We are painfully aware.
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