They descend into the labyrinth, with luck on their side
Perhaps they’ll need it down here, amidst the despair & deathtraps
The silence breaks, the tale continues…
This week, the party begin their descent into the Labyrinth…
Featuring a promo from The Lucky Die
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Red gradient background with holly leaves and berries in the corners. White text reads “2 weeks only, over on TeeSpring”
In the middle is a green sweater with a Christmas sweater style pattern on the front
The Cast:
Dragon as “T’riss Nitra” (a drow)
Freya as “Nal” (a half orc/half elf)
Shiraz as “Ishidoro” (a dragonborn)
Susie Q as “Thirteen” (a goblin)
Tauno as “Rasthikos Thyreon” (a human)
Wednesday Le Fey as “Desolation” aka. “Layla” (a tiefling)
And Nikoli as your Storyteller.
Hear more from Wednesday as part of the Dum Dum Die Cast at:
Shiraz can be found on Twitter & IG as @DiceDeedsArt
Find more from Dragon & Nikoli right here
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