The Penance RPG #Openthedungeon Halloween Project
So dearest Listeners and Fans, we have reached this moment..
We’d like to try something that might be a little crazy.
Nikoli and his friend, Artie McNeil, have co-written a one shot for this years Halloween.
And we would like to attempt to throw open the doors and allow you, yes all of you, the opportunity to be a part of it. Application Deadline 21st Sept. 2018
So, What Would This Mean?
We invite each and every one of you that’s interested to apply (details & requirements below) and hopefully we are able to sort as many of you as possible into 5-6 person groups to be ran through the one shot by Nikoli.
One Shot Details:
Both Nikoli and Artie are fans of old horror stories, this has been the influence.
We will send you details on how to create a character using the stripped down homebrew engine Nikoli used for the original PRPG
It will be recorded over discord throughout August and September before being edited & released to the world throughout October.
Each arranged group will be 4-6 people each.
The recording should last between 2.5 and 4 hours (extremes) plus any mic checks etc beforehand.
So What Are The Requirements?
1. We would like you to be familiar with our storytelling style. We are believers in the “actions have reactions” DM style
2. You have a working microphone – by working I mean you can be heard clearly on discord. Please be honest about this.
3. You actually want to be there – we don’t mean be 100% crazy engaged all the time, we understand shy people & that not every story grips folks but if you don’t feel you can be bothered with it before recording please just let us know, there may be others who want to be there.
3. You agree to be recorded, Nikoli will still be skim editing the results of any recording, anything he feels inappropriate for final cut will be removed.
4. You agree not to discuss the content of the one shot until it has gone live in October – outside of twitter might be fine but there may be others due to run it and no one likes spoilers.
5. You follow the golden D&D rule – Don’t be a dick. This includes allowing your other group members to speak and not dominating over everyone else. We can all get excitable at times, but if we say to cool it down and let others have a say – accept it, We’re glad you’re having fun but there are some shy people and they deserve to be heard too. Also, highly aggressive behaviour and general bad attitude will be cautioned twice, on the the third warning you will be removed from the recording
So How Do I Apply?
Comment on twitter – tell us your favourite episode from our back catalogue of stories and why, making sure to tag us and use #Openthedungeon
This may be a strange ask but it is to let us know you are actual people and that you have at least listened to our previous recordings.
If you wish to apply as a group, please say the number of folk in your group when applying
Do Timezone Barriers Matter?
No, Nikoli has a strange sleeping pattern at the best of times. Hopefully will be able to adapt to whatever time suits an arranged group.
All we will say is if we cant understand you / you cant understand us on discord, then we will be unable to include you.
So How Many Recordings Are You Doing?
As many as we can! We would like the minimum to be 8 over the course of August & September. But as long as there is still interest we will continue to record and release when we can. Apologies if for any reason we don’t manage to get round to everyone, we will try our best but time may be limited.
Any other questions please just ask us on Twitter or Facebook
Thank you.